About Me


Glenn Capel


ESG Scoring ID increases the valuation of your property in the metaverse.


As part of the Green Initiative and our EOS to challenge the biggest battle against carbon emissions in the world , we at X-Factor Global are bringing sustainable impact, entrepreneurship, educational growth and jobs to battle against Climate Change. We integrate proprietary  cutting-edge technology from our partners at Enriched Data to implement real-time expertise into your companies platform and buildings to meet or exceed the sustainable leader  development goals and vision for your company to reduce to carbon emissions requirements set by the SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION’s regulatory mandated guidelines for Climate Change.

We can provide a Smart Building Upgrade with 100% low cost financing that will lower utility and operating costs, increase NOI and Building Valuation while eliminating Regulatory Liability.  When we combine our Building Upgrade with commercial sales transactions, we amplify the value proposition by selling a property faster and at a higher valuation.  And with the capital gains of the property sale invested in larger or more appropriate property through a 1031 exchange that we then upgrade, we can provide a truly unique value add  brokerage program.


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