About Me


Aga Marecka


Business & Marketing Creative Advisor & Artemy Founder


Business & Marketing Consultant in Web3, Creative Mentor, Entrepreneur, Reiki Healer.
Originally from Poland, where she graduated International Business, Management in Transport & Logistics, Human Resources and Tourism, worked for major global corporations and premium brands, moved to Belgium and started her entrepreneurial career in Luxembourg.

Dedicated to helping people find their talents, become self-aware, understanding, ready for the process of improvement and creation, then using it consciously in team work. Underlines that in order to create efficient extensive DAOs, people need to have similar levels of self-cognition and understanding of the universal laws.

Broad skills, experiences and education enable her to look at complex concepts with an eye to details. Currently exploring Alchemy as a part of her project development and channeling spirituality into Web3.


About Me

Aga Marecka

Business & Marketing Advisor, Founder, Creative Mentor


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Susan Ritter
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Sarah Ibrahim
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Ali Amir Ali

Is your brand future-sensing the Web 3.0, Meta, and NFTs?

Designing the Metaverse webinar

Seeding Success in the Metaverse