The World Metaverse Council is a strategic partner for the upcoming Metaverse Discovery event in Riyadh, a groundbreaking gathering that will take participants on an immersive journey into the Metaver...
Spheroid Universe, a futuristic Metaverse that augments the real world in every part of the Earth, has announced the upcoming launch of artificial intelligence (AI) Avatars that will inhabit the world...
A lot has been written recently about how Artificial Intelligence can change our life. Artificial intelligence has emerged as a disruptive force across multiple industries. From healthcare to finance,...
Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) announced today the launch of its Metaverse for dispute resolution, reforming how the world resolves disputes. The Metaverse provides a virtual reality sp...
The Museum of the Future has announced The Pearl Diver’s Daughter will take place on Tuesday, March 21 at 7:00 PM, blending cutting-edge technology with choreography, music and narrative to take audie...
The ftNFT Phygital Space is holding the Grand Opening ceremony on March 16th in Dubai Mall. After which, it is hosting the International NFT Awards during a Gala Dinner at Armani Hotel. The ftNFT Phyg...
MAGGI, the globally acclaimed brand from Nestlé, is launching its first-ever Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in the OneRare Foodverse. A leader in the culinary space, MAGGI has been at the forefront of inn...
Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy, one of the three chambers operating under Dubai Chambers, has brought together top executives, business leaders, and entrepreneurs in the metaverse and crypto industr...
The future of the crypto industry is one step closer to its full potential, now trust and transparency is at the forefront, said Bybit CEO Ben Zhou. According to Zhou, technology will lead the way in ...