SoftConstruct Opens The First-Ever NFT Stores In Dubai

Softconstruct officially announces the opening of two physical NFT art Stores in Dubai, offering exclusive real-life NFT art experience.

Fastex Ecosystem, powered by Soft, has pulled off its unique NFT art physical Stores strategy in Dubai with signature-style branding with a visionary concept behind it. The Stores will supply limited edition offers and other merchandise by the artists in Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates.

Vigen Badalyan, the co-founder of SoftConstruct, announced emerging the digital with the real world. “SoftConstruct unveils ftNFT physical stores located in Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates – the city’s most iconic retail and entertainment destinations, welcoming over 130 million visitors yearly. ftNFT stores, where visitors can explore and purchase NFTs, will feature exclusive offers and works by modern artists”.

The ftNFT Stores are designed to leave plenty of space for people to interact with the technology, and actual art. ftNFT uses a fraction of its stores to sell genuine NFT art products offering advancements in sustainable design and a team of qualified specialists ready to assist with discovery, engagement, and delivery, making the buying processes smooth and effortless.

ftNFT Stores are designed based not on product divisions but on what we call hubs. A large part of the store was dedicated to letting people learn about Web3, NFTs, products, and services offered on the spot, try out, and ask questions at the Fast desk, an idea similar to a concierge service at a nice hotel. This has been designed to provide face-to-face support for customers from professionals specially trained and certified by Soft.

The official opening day is around the corner, and we are ready to experience Web3 coming to life in the ftNFT Stores opening in the Dubai Mall and the Mall of the Emirates, promising its visitors to be struck by the incredible location and the ambience they’ll be stepping into.

SoftConstruct is largely known for its urge to constantly try things out and let its ideas evolve in a newer direction, as it has always aspired with its products and trademarks. Home to over 8+ brands offering cutting-edge IT solutions for different industries, with 300+ partners and 16+ offices worldwide, Softconstrcut is changing the game again.

Please note: all NFTs that will be sold at ftNFT Stores are pieces of art and are not digital representations of value that may be digitally traded, transferred, or used as an exchange or payment tool or for investment purposes. They cannot be digitally offered and traded through a virtual asset platform.