United Nations Eagle NFTs Promoting Worldwide Peace And Unity To Be Launched On OpenSea Marketplace

Entrepreneur, food critic and philanthropist Ray Kripaitis, aka Ray K, and former NBA basketball coach Don Casey are joining forces to release 1991 United Nations Eagle NFTs to promote worldwide peace and unity.

Proceeds from the NFTs, which will be launched soon on the OpenSea marketplace, will benefit the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) organization, which was founded in 2013 and is dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and services to the most vulnerable people around the world.

In addition to Kripaitis, the creative team behind the United Nations Eagle NFTs includes Animation Dok, a top-tier animation video production company and two-time Emmy Award winner; internationally acclaimed Book Candy Studios; ASAP Multimedia Productions, founded by Gerard Ascolese, who has written, produced and directed hundreds of award-winning productions for TV, radio, film, DVD and the internet; and Teena Scott, host of the acclaimed show TeenaTalk on BigoLive.

The United Nations Eagle NFTs are the first NFT collection ever to include a unique, limited-edition collection of 1991 Eagle Avatars carrying assorted flags from 160 countries around the globe, promoting peace and love for all countries on Earth.

“What makes this NFT project unique is that it promotes and benefits peace and unity for all people throughout the globe regardless of their orientation, race, creed, color, political beliefs or religion,” said a spokesperson for the collection.

In addition to his work as an entrepreneur, Kripaitis is a celebrity pizza food critic and host of the Slicing Jersey YouTube channel. He is also an advocate for Sophia’s Mission, which creates meaningful employment for people living on the autistic spectrum and with additional needs.

In addition to coaching in the NBA, Casey was a U.S. delegate to the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. He is also a former vice-chairman of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition under President Clinton.

“The humanitarian situation in Ukraine is quickly deteriorating and civilians are facing the devastating impact of war. We are proud to be in partnership and to provide royalties from our NFT collection to MOAS,” the spokesperson said.

According to Tokenized, a tech-focused media blog, the NFT market size forecast is expected to be $35 billion in 2022 with a 33 percent growth rate and is expected to grow to $80 billion in 2025.

For more information about the United Nations Eagle NFT Collection, call Kripaitis at 732.859.2019.