Pebbles Art Zone’s Handmade NFT Scheduled To Release This Week With Growth Strategies To Look Out For

Pebbles Art Zone has recently announced its latest developments in the handmade NFT collection. The brand is a newcomer in the NFT world and has revealed its launch on 25th March 2022, only at Opensea Marketplace on Ethereum Blockchain network.

An extensive NFT collection is featured on the platform created by a teenager, Mahad Hussain. The artist is a 7th grader and envisions using NFT to support a noble cause of educating under privileged Childers around the world. It’s a community-driven initiative determined to serve the basic needs of orphans.

Pebbles Art Zone is a unique outlook in the NFT world. It features artwork made on pebbles, inspired by Ether Pebbles, to be featured in the Metaverse. The platform for young artist’s highlights 300, pieces of distinct artwork, accessible online as NFTs (divided into 3 collections). Pebbles Art Zone possesses vast global potential, emphasizing art and creativity in the Metaverse.

The exclusive collection of digital graphics is wholly based on original handmade pieces having a carbon-neutral status. A fifth of the total proceeds is set to be donated to charitable organizations working for the betterment of orphans.

The teenage artist featured on Pebble Art NFTs is debuting on the platform. He is appreciated for his unique and vibrant handcrafter artworks.
“I am inspired by the recent developments of NFTs and amazed at how artists are making a fortune through their art. I think I can use this platform to attract people, and it is the perfect opportunity for me to showcase my talents,” explained the artist, Mahad Hussain, in one of his statements prior to the release.

The CEO and Founder Harris Hussain stated, “Everything is moving towards the Blockchain in today’s world. In these times, it is an excellent opportunity for aspiring artists and creative minds to make the most of their artworks by turning them into NFTs. Our team is proud to present this platform, where we will feature handmade art pieces into the NFT space. The platform is open for all new entrants whose aim is to promote their art for a social cause.”

The idea behind Pebbles Art Zone carries a remarkable potential for future prospects. It will open new doors for digital artists and create a path for new opportunities. With the commencement of this platform, the NFT experience will proliferate in multiple directions and grant access to various aspiring artists to showcase their art. Pebbles Art Zone is determined to offer a space for creative minds and highlight their works. With this venture, the brand will garner outstanding turnaround while providing opportunities to all.

The approach of this platform is highly unique. The Marketing Manager of Pebbles Art Zone Robert McKenzie stated, “Handmade NFT art is much more innovative than digital collectibles. Our brand demonstrates how the advent of technology can provide a succeeding surge for change. It can streamline collaboration between communities such as ours and support a social cause while extending digital interactions.”

The company has also announced a strategic partnership to improve proprietary NFT pieces. Pebbles Art Zone will leverage blockchain technology & the NFT space to expedite digital art market placement and work for advertising, trading, marketing, selling, and everything in between.

The entire team of Pebbles Art Zone is thrilled about the big launch. The Business Development Head Ashley Martin issued a statement, “The team is working with utmost zeal and zest to ensure Pebbles Art Zone becomes a renowned NFT platform for digital artists. We are fortunate to collaborate with talented artists who can utilize NFTs as a canvas to stimulate their creativity in a virtual space.”

Given the current milestones and business goals, it is evident that Pebbles Art Zone is determined to foster healthy relations with industry stakeholders. The team is highly motivated and constantly working to improve their ways with innovative ideas in a creative direction to display handmade NFTs on the market. Their goals stretch more than securing their place in the NFT space, and they are dedicated to supporting social causes. Not only is the artwork unique, the idea to leverage blockchain for the betterment of the community and collaborating with the rising talent makes it a worthwhile project.

Pebbles Art Zone is set to embark on a digitally invigorating journey to build an innovative marketplace for NFT enthusiasts and digital artists. Given the current growth of the blockchain and the rise of NFTs, handmade NFTs will be universal in the years to come. It will allow artists and collectors to buy, sell, lease, and lend digital art.