Multimedia Poem For The NFT Generation

Is the mind centralized or decentralized? Is our consciousness our own or part of a larger consciousness? Can we call that consciousness “love”? What if Heaven were a type of metaverse?

These are some of the heady metaphysical questions that multimedia artist Jeffrey Delano Davis tackles in his new digital poem, “Decentralized,” which Digital Art called “pure beauty.”

“Decentralized” is a love poem by Mr. Davis to his wife, using Web 3.0 as a metaphor for intimacy and consciousness. There are two components of the collection; textual and digital. The textual component is the poem itself. The digital component comprises four “decentralized” works of art based on individual poem verses, two “digital writing” microfilms, one AI-generated graphic art piece, and a gif.

“I wanted the poem’s form to reflect the subject of the poem,” emphasized Mr. Davis “The approach is disparate because consciousness is disparate and vast.”

What was the impetus for the project? “I’ve studied Buddhism for a while, which contends that our consciousness extends beyond ourselves. I mashed that concept up with my recent obsession with the metaverse, and the idea was born.”

To read “Decentralized” or purchase a limited edition NFT or print from the collection, you can visit Jeffrey’s web page here: