NFTz Becomes The Only On-Chain Social NFT Marketplace With All New User Experience

NFTz (, the only on-chain NFT marketplace and community, that integrates on chain commenting, has rolled out an entirely new user interface and user experience in preparation for multiple major feature updates and cross-chain integration.

As NFTz celebrates its one-year anniversary, today they announce the release of their new user interface and user experience, thrusting them forward to becoming the only on-chain social NFT marketplace.

After raising pre-seed funding from the Octane Fund back in January, NFTz has been working hard to become the next generation of NFT marketplaces, catering to the masses, by combining on-chain social interactions with the current NFT marketplace ecosystem.

“We view it as a paradigm shift,” explained NFTz CEO Edward Krassenstein. “The NFT space has become a massive segmented headache as of late, with communities forming on various web2 social media websites and chat apps, while the marketplaces exist in a web 2.5 environment completely disconnected from the communities that drive them. With NFTz, we aim to change this.”

On NFTz you will discover the intersection between community and marketplace, where social aspects, such as commenting, liking and even tipping will allow communities made up of artists and collectors to intuitively access traditional trading mechanisms that drive the market. Utilizing the DeSo (Decentralized Social) blockchain allows for an immutable on-chain social identity to be linked to each user’s NFTs on NFTz. This allows their follow graph, social posts, NFTs and more to all be merged into one on-chain account that can be connected via MetaMask.

“Never before has there been a way to link multiple blockchains with one immutable identity,” said NFTz CTO Martijn van Halen. “We believe that this will allow us to become the next generation of NFT marketplaces — a social networking marketplace like none other.”

NFTz plans to integrate with Ethereum, Solana, Polygon and other blockchains so that the entire NFT space can become less chaotic and more mainstream.