Starts Fundraising Initiative To Support Ukraine Based On Proof-Of-Work Crypto Mining is focused on leveraging Blockchain solutions to empower humanity – that is, through the use of distributed ledger, Smart Contracts, and infrastructure capabilities to advance public and private industries through the use of transparent and secure technologies. is starting a fundraising initiative called “Hashrates for Harmony”. This initiative is aimed to provide humanitarian help for Ukrainians who need support due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The idea of the project is to empower Proof of Work miners of cryptocurrency to contribute their mining hash power to help charitable efforts. SmartPool offers the option to “enrol” into a charitable subpool of their choice. Each subpool has a fixed fee, which is 100% contributed to the chosen organization. will donate all proceeds to accredited and validated Non-profit Government Organizations (NGOs). For example, the National Bank of Ukraine has created a charitable fund for this particular purpose.

“We believe, that our mission – Empower humanity through Blockchain – can find its best practical realization in this case. In future, we are going to use the same mechanism for other charity initiatives to support people during disasters, conflicts, and other humanitarian issues” – Vinnie Lima, President of plans to support the following NGOs per recent polling/votes by our community members:

  • Doctors Without Borders
  • Save The Children
  • Ukrainian Government

All donations will be on-chain and for those NGOs not accepting cryptocurrency donations, will convert to Fiat and donate with all transactions publicly made available on our website. More details at