#koinfetti Announces New NFT-Independent Film Financing Site – Popkoin.com

KOIN MARKETPLACE, LLC (“KOINFETTI”), the NFT marketplace of the cryptocurrency (xKN), KOIN, announced today the launch of a transformative new affiliated Web site, POPKOIN.com, which, through its KOINCESSION STAND, will sell special NFT collections on KOINFETTI and will finance independent films.

POPKOIN.com will sell two kinds of NFT collections, KERNELS and POPKOIN TUBS, with the first NFT drops of each in April 2022. Each KERNEL collection, available through POPKOIN, will be associated with a particular independent film. Purchasers of KERNELS will own the NFTs, and POPKOIN will finance the film from net proceeds to POPKOIN. Prior to the release of the film, the KERNELS will “POP,” meaning that holders of the KERNELS, at that time, will have the option either to “burn” (redeem) the KERNELS in exchange for a percentage of POPKOIN’s share of revenues from the exploitation of the film or to retain the KERNELS, which holders then can continue to consume, including through secondary sales.

POPKOIN will use a portion of the net revenues from sales of POPKOIN TUBS to finance one or more films on the slate of films funded by POPKOIN; holders of POPKOIN TUBS, at the time of distribution of revenues from the exploitation of each film, will be eligible to receive, from #popkoin, as a reward, a percentage of POPKOIN’S revenues from each such film.

POPKOIN will be reserving up to 20% of royalties from secondary sales to share on a pro rata basis with purchasers of NFTs from the KOINCESSION STAND, as a reward.

Independent filmmakers can submit projects for NFT collections and financing by POPKOIN by going to the SCREENING ROOM on POPKOIN.com.

POPKOIN also, in the near future, will be launching PKNGAME (POPKOIN GAME), a game in which thousands of prizes, including many NFTs and special access—even participation—in films financed by POPKOIN, can be won.