Art+Tech & NFT Startups Report 2022 By FUELARTS Is Released

31st March 2022, a new Art+Tech & NFT Startups Report 2022 was released by FUELARTS* accelerator.
This report is a unique study on Art+Tech & NFT Ecosystem, revealing data on startups’ geographical distribution, stages of startups’ development, and investment attractiveness over the past 30 years. FUELARTS’ analytics presents data on the type of investors in the ecosystem and shares key problems and solutions in the field. Also, for the first time, the activity of female-founded startups is analyzed.

In particular, the report answers the following questions:
• Was 2021 the most successful year for startups in terms of investments?
• What type of investors were more active in Art+Tech in 2021 and why?
• Who led the TOP in terms of investments last year – a startup from the physical art market or the NFT one?
• How do art startups created by female founders correlate with their vitality and financial success?

FUELARTS was the first one to research investments made into Art+Tech startups and later included its findings in Deloitte Art & Finance report in 2019. This year they did a full-fledged industry report focused on the Art+Tech & NFT startups and it’s unique because no one before:

o didn’t single out Art+Tech startups into separate groups among other startups;

o didn’t calculate investments in them separately from all startups;

o didn’t propose splitting Art+Tech startups into startups from the physical and digital markets.

How to make the Art+Tech market more comprehensible for startups and transparent for investors – this is the mission of the report and FUELARTS company. Unlike the traditional Art Market, this data, including names of the investors, in most cases becomes public — this is a vital step towards the success of a startup in gaining more credibility and further funding.
Why do no more than 10% of business ideas go from the idea stage to the bootstrap stage? What are the main problems that Art+Tech startups face? What is the selection process of startups for Venture Capital fund? What fears do investors have about NFT? — these and other questions this report is focused on, are based on public data recorded on the official resources of analytical companies — Crunchbase and PitchBook — and FUELARTS’ database.