NFTs That Will Age On The Blockchain: The Novatar Is Launching Sales On April 4 At 12:00 PM EST

The Novatar, an NFT-project introducing first-ever aging avatars on the blockchain, announced the start date of their multi-phased sales. The date of launch is April 4 at 12:00 PM EST.

After successfully selling out 1500 NFTs during Wishlist Sales last month, the Novatar team has divided sales into 3 phases, where the first two phases will be open for 10,000 Novatars each and the last one will be Dutch Auction for the remaining 5000 NFTs.

“The first two phases are divided into 10 small sections each. On April 4, 500 Novatars will be available for purchase. After selling those, the next consecutive parts will be announced, but keep in mind that with each step, Novatars’ price will increase by 0.01 ETH. So, hurry up, and check our website regularly, or just go and get your Novatars!” said Stefan Brastad, the Lead Digital Artist behind the Novatar.

The Novatar is a non-fungible token (NFT) collection of 25,000 avatars launched in 2022. The project introduces evolving tokens on the blockchain – the NFT-avatars are AI-generated visuals of infants that can grow up into adults 30 days after the NFT reveal. Each Novatar is randomly generated at the moment of purchase from the set of visual attributes and genes pre-created by the digital artists of the project. Each adult Novatar will have 14 genes, with 9 primary genes inherited from its “childhood.” The project represents the diversity of race, gender, and sexual orientations. Users can use Novatars for building their online identity on major social networks such as Twitter, Reddit, Meta, etc. The process of aging the Novatar is up to its owners.

Of the project’s recent launch, the Lead Digital Artist stated, “I’m very excited to announce the launch of our main sales. Those months of developing and promoting our project have shown that our project is more relevant than ever – Metaverses are emerging and ready to take over the world. Our goal to reach the impending demand for NFT-avatars proved to be the worthiest; our baby-Novatars are ready to take over tokenized profile pictures.”

To reach the current launch, Novatar has walked through the following steps:

*Implemented the “life-cycle” system on the blockchain, allowing NFTs to evolve – thus introducing aging NFTs.
*Was included on the Digital Billboard on Times Square, NY.
*Gained a significant fan base on Discord and Twitter.

“Our journey is just starting, and we have many plans to amaze the NFT community.” – mentioned Stefan.