The New “Kewtiee” NFT Collection Is About Good Mental Health

“Kweetie’s” are a collection of 114 unique NFT (non-fungible token) artworks that are inspired by MsJAG. The artwork represents the artist getting in touch with her inner persona during the recent pandemic, and are currently available on the OpenSea NFT marketplace.

What is a Kewtiee? In the artists’ words:

“KEWTIEE is an acronym for Killing Evil With Taking in Enabling Energy. Wide-eyed, whimsical, wholesome, and free of constraints, the Kewtiee collection represents everything that’s right with the world.”

Each Kewtiee NFT is made up of several possible traits including background color, hair color, hairstyle, clothing color, accessories, eye color, make-up, and skin color.

MsJAG has an interesting background story about why she named the collection Kewtiee’s.

“It hasn’t escaped me during these multiple pandemic lockdowns that there’s been a lack of quality television and movie programming. It’s been abysmal. Box office hits have been curtailed since March 2020, and true bona fide hits have been few, and far between.

Of course, good film and TV making does not have to be big budget. I personally like and need more “Ted Lasso” and “My Octopus Teacher”, but find myself pulled in to shows like “Animal Kingdom” and “You”, and movies like “Old” and “The Power of the Dog”. The latter set of shows are just there to literally screw with your mind and desensitize you to wrongdoing. No matter what the outcome, you know that a morally challenged person or persons will prevail and it won’t phase you.

So I can admit to having spent the last few years watching shows that have inadvertently or intentionally tried to leave me morally bankrupt. But I’m going to have to blame that on the aforementioned lack of decent programming. I ended up changing bit by bit in my everyday reality by finding myself physiologically using my newfound corrupt TV knowledge on other people I wasn’t fond of. I also continued to watch the same genres of shows and movies and would correctly predict all manner of indignity or death in the end, and to whom. Alas, I also didn’t get any psychological or emotional relief in my professional line of work dealing with sick clients.

After a few months, in July of 2021, I turned to my art as therapy. It helped tremendously. Becoming creative once again has helped me discover the happiness I once had before the lockdowns.

Through my art, I’ve found my inner persona of whimsical wholesomeness and light-hearted happiness. I’ve named her KEWTIEE, which stands for Killing Evil With Taking in Enabling Energy. A Kwetiee believes that everything is right with the world. She is the unaffected to my affected self.”

Can you relate to MsJAG’s story? If you can, get your own unique Kewtiee NFT on OpenSea. Use them as your avatar on social media. Five percent from each Kewtiee NFT sold will go toward the charity to help women strengthen their mental health.