Vogue Photographer Sells His Life With Record Shattering 130 Million Dollar “Omega” NFT

This groundbreaking NFT going for 130 Million Dollars, and due to smash global sales records set by Beeple and Pak. Vogue photographer Gabriel Dean Roberts is known for his big ideas and lush, masterful classic imagery, and now he’s brought them together with Omega; an animated NFT whose custom smart contract goes further than any single-artist project in history.

“Omega is a symbol, like the dollar sign, and it represents 10 years of my career as an artist. Its owner will have rights to 120 masterworks, delivered sequentially at the first of every month for 10 straight years. This will be a historical undertaking on many levels; first for the sale price of 130 million, second for selling my life, third for the inclusion of a ‘market cap’ caveat, which would void the additional works if the owner improperly handles resale, and further because of the exquisitely created Rolls Royce of my design, and altruistic offerings of 1 million trees and 1 million dollars to Doctors Without Borders.”

This special smart contract is made possible through Superrare’s custom contract feature, which allows artists to create features within the contract as they see fit. This represents a whole new level of creativity, which Gabriel has taken advantage of. “The contract is written into the art and is, in the case of Omega, very much part of the art itself, because it creates the rule set for the ongoing performance of the work, which includes active participation from the owner.”

All of the perks written into the NFT smart contract are:

  • 120 Original masterpieces over 10 years
  • A custom 1 of a kind Rolls Royce Ghost designed by Gabriel
  • An annual celebration
  • A home for Ω and its subsequent art displayed through Augmented Reality at the Louvre
  • 1 million trees planted
  • 1 million dollars donated to Doctors Without Borders.

“I’ve written a clause into Ω that voids monthly airdrops (bonus NFTs) if the owner decides to sell Ω for less than the highest global NFT sale up to that date. The clause is intended to incentivize an active relationship between the owner, the art, and myself, and deter them from devaluing the art. By doing this, I’m creating a circumstance where Ω lives up to its meaning as the last, greatest, highest marker of value. Omega is the Market Cap NFT, and because of this clause, it will always be whenever it is resold. The symbol of Ω itself is its own kind of dollar sign, instantly recognizable, and imbued with a value that goes beyond the work. In fact, this is why my 3D rendering of Ω does not look the same as my actual fine art works, because it is something bigger than my own art; it’s the symbol of my participatory, ten year performance. Ω requires that a buyer is willing to not only make the largest NFT purchase in history, but to play by the rules of the work. This makes them part of the art.”

Gabriel decided to add the purchase and custom design of a Rolls Royce Ghost to the list, because he wanted to offer something deeply participatory that would be a work of art in and of itself. With close direction over the details, Gabriel will ensure that this will be the only Rolls Royce of its kind in the world. The coveted vehicle will be embellished with Ω badges, design cues and livery throughout the interior and exterior. Little secrets, custom surprises and elements will also be incorporated into the Ghost. All of this, coupled with the fantastic opportunity to make a historical sale of epic proportions, do good in the world, and participate in a 10 year long artistic performance unlike the world has seen makes for a very exciting offering.

Gabriel’s ambitions to plant 1 million trees through the sale of Ω sprang from his study into the necessity of an arboreal perspective. “I read that the average human would need to plant around 1,000 trees per year to offset the carbon footprint of all their activities. I wondered how I could incorporate something positive with this wild project, and it feels really good to place such an ambitious number with this offering. My hope is that this will demonstrate how luxury, artistry and a naturalist effort can coexist.”

Investors are now looking at this work as an opportunity to create wealth and capture the work of this phenomenal photographer. Gabriel’s work falls neatly under the fine art genre despite its medium being through NFTs. This ensures a long term legacy rather than a passing phase. The art will stand the test of time and will be preserved flawlessly on the blockchain. The record sale itself will be a game changer and add to the value of the 121 item portfolio, and this is something true patrons of the arts and those who collect for value and prestige are hungry to acquire.

“I understand that the NFT, the trees, the Rolls Royce, selling 10 years of my life; all of it seems quite mad, and that is by design. But I know there is a collector out there who is brave enough to step into the light with me. This is a culture shaping event and the moment they purchase Ω, they will secure their profound legacy with me. A radiant mind out there will see what I am doing, and will join me, and I can’t wait to meet them.”

Complete details can be found on Gabrieldeanroberts.com and the purchase of Ω can be made directly at the premium NFT platform, Superrare.