EV Hotel, The First Crypto And Technology Hotel Brand, Announces Exclusive NFT Membership Rewards Program

EV Hotel is pleased to announce the launch of the first ever NFT rewards program. As the visionary in the comfort meets technology hospitality space, EV Hotel is equipped to innovate the current hotel loyalty programs. “Hotel loyalty programs have not changed since their inception. It is time these outdated, restrictive rewards programs are disrupted, and we aim to do just that” says Ken Patel, Chairman & Founder of EV Hotel. “We are decentralizing the conventional hotel rewards program by empowering consumers to take control of the benefits they receive from being loyal customers with a highly exclusive offering.”

The EV Hotel Brand offers the ideal combination of technology and human touch to create an experience unlike any other in the world of hospitality. Imagine technologies including cryptocurrencies and NFTs combined with unparalleled comfort and amenities, to create an innovative and streamlined hospitality experience; this is the DNA of EV Hotel. “All brands have a community, often referenced as customers. Some a few, and some a few hundred million, and there is nothing more powerful than the connection that community has to that brand. Now take that mindset, apply it to NFTs, and times it by 100. That’s the current intense connection millions of people around the world are feeling when it comes to NFTs. Speaking firsthand as a founding partner of BAPES and our BAPESCLAN, the fastest organic growing NFT Project in the world, I quickly experienced something I’ve never felt in my professional history, and now we are going to bring that energy, excitement, and proper utility into the hospital industry with EV Hotels. NFT holders, and lovers, around the world will be able to experience as a community, a place to go to and be completely immersed in exceptional services, technologies, crypto, and NFT based experiences in both the physical world as well as in the Metaverse. The hospitality market is salivating over this, and we hope to create a model that other flags will want to replicate to properly cater to this amazing community” – Brian J. Esposito CEO & Founder Esposito Intellectual Enterprises & Chief Strategy Officer of EV Hotel

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