COTI And Partner Enabling Akkadia – An NFT Marketplace To Accept ADA

COTI (Currency of the Internet) has formed a partnership with that’s integrated ADA Pay to the Akkadia marketplace. This alliance allows their users to pay with ADA (Cardano). NFT-DAO is one of the long-standing projects funded by Project Catalyst, making this partnership a strategic and natural fit.

The NFT-DAO is focused on creating an easy to deploy framework that would allow anyone the ability to launch an NFT marketplace. NFT=DAO is also developing self-reinforcing composable parts that extend functionality focused on all sorts of NFTs with ADA Pay as the preferred payment solution. The COTI team particularly appreciates NFT-DAO’s give-first community mission to hire college interns to train the blockchain workforce of the future.

Shahaf Bar-Geffen, CEO of COTI said: “COTI is pleased to be partnering with NFT-DAO and supports their vision of an open-source framework for Cardano marketplaces. We’re thrilled ADA Pay is their recommended payment integration for and future marketplaces building on their technology.”

Rich Kopcho, an NFT-DAO Founder said: “We chose COTI’s ADA Pay to process NFT DAO’s Akkadia marketplace payments for its enterprise-grade security while saving us time and money. The engineering team has been awesome to work with.”

Additionally, NFT-DAO is developing an open-source decentralized government framework and creating communications solutions for DAOs on Cardano. We know we’ll create great things together and mutually benefit both of our communities. As ADA Pay is a part of the COTI ecosystem, the fees generated from ADA pay will be converted to $COTI and distributed into the Treasury as user rewards.