Imminent Opening Of The NFT Marketplace Of VAFFA Cosmo

The VAFFA Mobile Game marketplace starts from Italy on February 19th. The Play to earn game that anyone can activate free so that anyone can access it.

In the early days of civilization, our ancestors used gestures to communicate. A simple gesture that contains a thousand emotions simplified and made image.

Like everything, everything was generated by a process that lasted millennia, which allowed its evolution.

One of the oldest and most valuable materials, due to the slow process of natural formation, is diamond.

VAFFA was born from the idea of combining these two elements: a simple gesture but full of meaning and one of the strongest and most precious materials in the world.

The concept of VAFFA is related to the creation of a virtual world that allows everyone to own it and accumulate wealth from it, simply by playing on their phone to VAFFA GAME and thus entering the VAFFA COSMO.

The Vaffa Cosmo is a Metaverse based on P2E, Price to Earn, which became disruptive with the advent of blockchain. Several realities – such as AXIE, Decentraland, and Sandbox – have reached impressive values in the last year thanks to the boom of their Games and Metaverses connected to them.

The creators expect that starting from the desire to have fun and earn money that unites a multitude of people, the VAFFA Cosmo can become populated by millions of people in a few years: “People want to have fun, but today they need to earn money and cannot throw away their time” explains Nicholas Perpiglia who manages the entire VAFFA project.

The studies of one of the most prestigious companies in the world of business analysis – which will soon be officially presented – have shown that already within the first 3 years from the launch of the Game it will be possible to reach almost 4 million people, ensuring them an extra income that in several countries alone exceeds the monthly per capita income of workers.

The disruptive news is that VAFFA Cosmo will really be for everyone and, even if on blockchain, even to those without wallets, thanks to a parallel custody envoronment aimed at people with less technical experience. Nicholas is visibly excited: “We already have a community of over 10,000 people on Discord, and we haven’t started yet. Now we open the marketplace and then the Game open to all… we can really get to many”

All the attention is now focused on the launch of the Marketplace where you will find already from the presale reserved for those who have booked the 3 mystical limited edition NFTs. They will start from the 90% discounted price and will go to the list on the marketplace at full price 10 days later. Chaos is already expected on the first day, February 19 “But it will only be the beginning – explains Nicholas – people know that this project is theirs, because we work as a DAO project and the owner is therefore not the company but the players” It is like saying that everything that is collected from the sale of the NFT remains of the same Community. A simple concept, which obviously gratifies many.